TrueClone Citations

OriGene products have been used extensively by scientists worldwide to improve their research efficiency. For your reference, we have collected a representation of citations for selected OriGene products and posted them at this site.

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Here are some of the recent papers making use of OriGene products by fellow researchers.

Target Research Paper Journal Product SKU
MYH9 Identification of the Surfactant Protein A Receptor 210 as the Unconventional Myosin 18A J. Biol. Chem. 2005 Oct 14;280(41):34447-57., 2005 Oct TrueClone SC128173
MYO1C Human papillomavirus type 8 E7 protein binds nuclear myosin 1c and downregulates the expression of pre-rRNA Virus Genes, 2017 Jul TrueClone SC315975
MYO1C Human papillomavirus type 8 E7 protein binds nuclear myosin 1c and downregulates the expression of pre-rRNA Virus Genes, 2017 Jul TrueClone SC100515
MYO1C Lowered Expression of Tumor Suppressor Candidate MYO1C Stimulates Cell Proliferation, Suppresses Cell Adhesion and Activates AKT PLoS ONE, 2016 Nov TrueClone SC315975
Myo1c Myo1c Regulates Glucose Uptake in Mouse Skeletal Muscle J. Biol. Chem., Feb 2011; 286: 4133 - 4140., 2011 Feb TrueClone
MyoD1 Brain and muscle Arnt-like 1 is a key regulator of myogenesis J. Cell Sci., May 2013; 126: 2213 - 2224., 2013 May TrueClone SC125952
MYOD1 Estrogen Receptor (ER) {beta} or p53 Attenuates ER{alpha}-mediated Transcriptional Activation on the BRCA2 Promoter J. Biol. Chem. 2008; 283(44): p. 29671-29680, 2008 Oct TrueClone SC125952
MYOD1 ERbeta or p53 attenuates ERalpha -mediated transcriptional activation on the BRCA2 promoter J. Biol. Chem. published 2 September 2008, 10.1074/jbc.M802785200, 2008 Sep TrueClone SC125952
MYOT A naturally monomeric infrared fluorescent protein for protein labeling in vivo Nat. Methods, 2015 Jun TrueClone SC115849
MYRF Clobetasol and Halcinonide Act as Smoothened Agonists to Promote Myelin Gene Expression and RxR? Receptor Activation PloS one, 2015 Dec TrueClone MC223625
MZF1 Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms collaborate to control SERPINA3 expression and its association with placental diseases Hum. Mol. Genet., May 2012; 21: 1968 - 1978., 2012 May TrueClone SC128081
MZF1 Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms collaborate to control SERPINA3expression and its association with placental diseases Hum. Mol. Genet., Jan 2012; 10.1093/hmg/dds006., 2012 Jan TrueClone SC128081
NADK NAD kinase regulates the size of the NADPH pool and insulin secretion in pancreatic ß-cells Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, Jul 2012; 303: E191 - E199., 2012 Jul TrueClone SC108061
NAGA Epigenetic modification of α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase enhances cisplatin resistance in ovarian cancer Korean J Physiol Pharmacol, 2017 Dec TrueClone SC319393
NAIP Neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein (NAIP) localizes to the cytokinetic machinery during cell division Sci Rep, 2017 Jan TrueClone SC303496
NAIP Cutting Edge: Inflammasome Activation in Primary Human Macrophages Is Dependent on Flagellin J. Immunol., 2015 Jun TrueClone SC303496
Naip Formation and Structure of a NAIP5-NLRC4 Inflammasome Induced by Direct Interactions with Conserved N- and C-terminal Regions of Flagellin J. Biol. Chem., Nov 2012; 287: 38460 - 38472., 2012 Nov TrueClone SC303496
NAIP NAIP and Ipaf Control Legionella pneumophila Replication in Human Cells J. Immunol., May 2008; 180: 6808 - 6815, 2008 May TrueClone SC303496
NAMPT Intracellular Nicotinamide Phosphoribosyltransferase Protects against Hepatocyte Apoptosis and Is Down-Regulated in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., Jun 2010; 95: 3039 - 3047, 2010 Jun TrueClone SC111136
NAMPT The Small Molecule GMX1778 is a Potent Inhibitor of NAD+ Biosynthesis: Strategy for Enhanced Therapy in NAPRT1-Deficient Tumors Mol. Cell. Biol., Aug 2009; 10.1128/MCB.00112-09, 2009 Aug TrueClone SC111136
NAMPT Visfatin activates eNOS via Akt and MAP kinases and improves endothelial cell function and angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo: translational implications for atherosclerosis Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, Jun 2009; 296: E1440 - E1449., 2009 Jun TrueClone SC111136
NAMPT Visfatin (nicotinomide phosphoribosyltransferase/pre-B cell colony-enhancing factor) activates eNOS via Akt and MAP kinases and improves endothelial function Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, Apr 2009; 10.1152/ajpendo.90780.2008., 2009 Apr TrueClone SC111136
NANOG NKL homeobox gene activities in normal and malignant myeloid cells PLoS ONE, 2019 Dec TrueClone SC305169
NAPRT Loss of NAPRT1 Expression by Tumor-Specific Promoter Methylation Provides a Novel Predictive Biomarker for NAMPT Inhibitors Clin. Cancer Res., 2013 Nov TrueClone SC319940
NAT10 Sleeping Beauty insertional mutagenesis in mice identifies drivers of steatosis-associated hepatic tumor Cancer Res., 2017 Oct TrueClone MC202909
NAT8 Molecular Identification of NAT8 as the Enzyme That Acetylates Cysteine S-Conjugates to Mercapturic Acids J. Biol. Chem., Jun 2010; 285: 18888 - 18898, 2010 Jun TrueClone SC319260
NAT8 Two Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)/ER Golgi Intermediate Compartment-based Lysine Acetyltransferases Post-translationally Regulate BACE1 Levels J. Biol. Chem., Jan 2009; 284: 2482 - 2492., 2009 Jan TrueClone SC319260
NAT8B Two Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)/ER Golgi Intermediate Compartment-based Lysine Acetyltransferases Post-translationally Regulate BACE1 Levels J. Biol. Chem., Jan 2009; 284: 2482 - 2492., 2009 Jan TrueClone SC311351
NCAPG Regulation of NCAPG by miR-99a-3p (passenger strand) inhibits cancer cell aggressiveness and is involved in CRPC Cancer Med, 2018 Apr TrueClone SC111395
NCAPH2 Targeting blood thrombogenicity precipitates atherothrombotic events in a mouse model of plaque destabilization Sci Rep, 2015 May TrueClone MC200537
NCEH1 Identification of Palmitoyl Protein Thioesterase 1 in Human THP1 Monocytes and Macrophages and Characterization of Unique Biochemical Activities for This Enzyme Biochemistry. 2013 Oct 18, 2013 Oct TrueClone SC128225
NCKAP1 The WASF3-NCKAP1-CYFIP1 complex is essential for breast cancer metastasis Cancer Res., 2016 Jul TrueClone SC308232
NCOA1 Isoform-Selective Activation of Human Constitutive Androstane Receptor by Ginkgo biloba Extract: Functional Analysis of the SV23, SV24, and SV25 Splice Variants J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., Nov 2011; 339: 704 - 715., 2011 Nov TrueClone SC309911
NCOA1 Differential Effect of Meclizine on the Activity of Human Pregnane X Receptor and Constitutive Androstane Receptor J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., Mar 2011; 336: 816 - 826, 2011 Mar TrueClone SC106012
NCOA1 Human Pregnane X Receptor Agonism by Ginkgo biloba Extract: Assessment of the Role of Individual Ginkgolides J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., Dec 2010; 335: 771 - 780, 2010 Dec TrueClone SC100652
NCSTN Nicastrin regulates breast cancer stem cell properties and tumor growth in vitro and in vivo PNAS, Oct 2012; 109: 16558 - 16563., 2012 Oct TrueClone SC100655
NDP Hedgehog regulates Norrie disease protein to drive neural progenitor self-renewal Hum. Mol. Genet., Mar 2013; 22: 1005 - 1016., 2013 Mar TrueClone SC120005
NDRG4 N-Myc Downstream-Regulated Gene 4 (NDRG4): A Candidate Tumor Suppressor Gene and Potential Biomarker for Colorectal Cancer J Natl Cancer Inst, Jul 2009; 101: 916 - 927., 2009 Jul TrueClone SC108447
NDUFS1 Complex I assembly into supercomplexes determines differential mitochondrial ROS production in neurons and astrocytes Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 2016 Oct TrueClone MC206222
NDUFS1 Granzyme B-induced mitochondrial ROS are required for apoptosis Cell Death Differ., 2014 Oct TrueClone SC117000
NDUFS2 Granzyme B-induced mitochondrial ROS are required for apoptosis Cell Death Differ., 2014 Oct TrueClone SC320283
NDUFV1 Granzyme B-induced mitochondrial ROS are required for apoptosis Cell Death Differ., 2014 Oct TrueClone SC115721
NDUFV2 Intramitochondrial adenylyl cyclase controls the turnover of nuclear-encoded subunits and activity of mammalian complex I of the respiratory chain Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 2014 Oct TrueClone SC319467
NECTIN2 Histone Deacetylase 5 Is Overexpressed in Scleroderma Endothelial Cells and Impairs Angiogenesis via Repression of Proangiogenic Factors Arthritis & rheumatology, 2017 Dec TrueClone SC118376
NEDD4 p34 is a novel regulator of the oncogenic behavior of NEDD4-1 and PTEN Cell Death Differ. 2013 Oct 18., 2013 Oct TrueClone SC310054
NEDD4L Mutations in the HECT domain of NEDD4L lead to AKT-mTOR pathway deregulation and cause periventricular nodular heterotopia Nat. Genet., 2016 Nov TrueClone SC326303
NEDD9 The Overexpression of Scaffolding Protein NEDD9 Promotes Migration and Invasion in Cervical Cancer via Tyrosine Phosphorylated FAK and SRC PLoS One. 2013 Sep 18;8(9):e74594, 2013 Sep TrueClone SC116092
NEIL1 Regulation of NEIL1 protein abundance by RAD9 is important for efficient base excision repair Nucleic Acids Res., 2015 Apr TrueClone MC211355
NEIL1 NEIL1 Responds and Binds to Psoralen-induced DNA Interstrand Crosslinks J. Biol. Chem., May 2013; 288: 12426 - 12436., 2013 May TrueClone SC123674
NEK2 Cancerous inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2A (CIP2A) is involved in centrosome separation through the regulation of NIMA-related kinase 2 (NEK2) activity J. Biol. Chem., 2013 Nov TrueClone SC108482